Private car parking in Constanta.

Private car parking in Constanta.

Private car parking in Constanta is a private parking service.

We provide platform transport for storage.

We offer uncovered parking, enclosed, and guarded by dogs.

Access is granted only in the presence of a representative and by appointment only.

There are surveillance cameras on the access street.

We accept cars with all wheels and that can be pushed.

We also accept damaged cars, but depending on the extent of the damage and preservation and transport needs, the price will be negotiated.

We do not accept expensive cars. We do not provide insurance against any kind of weather phenomena.

Minimum access is from 10 days and upwards with an initial payment of 50 RON/10 days.

Afterward, the fee will be 5 RON/day – 24 hours. Private parking area – Viile Noi – Constanta.

Constanta Car Parking is a private parking service.

We provide platform transport for storage.

We offer uncovered parking, enclosed, and guarded by dogs.

Access is granted only in the presence of a representative and by appointment only. There are surveillance cameras on the access street.

We accept cars with all wheels and that can be pushed.

We also accept damaged cars, but depending on the extent of the damage and preservation and transport needs, the price will be negotiated.

We do not accept expensive cars.

We do not provide insurance against any kind of weather phenomena. Minimum access is from 10 days and upwards with an initial payment of 50 RON/10 days.

Afterward, the fee will be 5 RON/day – 24 hours. Private parking area – Viile Noi – Constanta.

Constanta Car Parking offers parking for uncomplicated cars. I offer uncovered parking, enclosed, and guarded by dogs.

Access is granted only in my presence by appointment. There is no guard, but there are surveillance cameras on the access street.

I have vigilant neighbors. I accept cars with all wheels and that can be pushed.

I do not accept expensive cars with airs and graces. I do not provide insurance against any kind of weather phenomena.

Only from 10 days and onwards. Payment is 5 RON/day – 24 hours. Area: Viile Noi – Constanta.”